Futures Fair

We were delighted to offer our prospective Year 12 students the opportunity to join in the Futures Fair alongside the current Year 12. We welcomed representatives from a range of universities, including Imperial, City, Westminster, Brunel, LSBU and Leicester, in addition to specialist providers such as UCFB. UCFB is based at Wembley Stadium and offers undergraduate degree courses such as Football Business and Marketing. LMA University - a specialist provider of media-based courses was also there, as was Birkbeck, offering part-time evening degree courses for those who want to work during the day and study in the evenings. Ask Apprenticeships came along to explain the apprenticeship route to our students.
In addition, we welcomed a range of employees including Quintain, the award-winning developer behind Wembley Park, PGIM Asset Management, Multiplex Construction Europe, Pinsent Masons and many more.
Our students had one final opportunity this academic year to explore potential higher education and career options before finishing for the summer break.
Thank you to Ms Nyakeru for organising the Fair and to all the universities and businesses who came to support our students.