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Welcome from Head Students

We are delighted to introduce to you our new Head Boy and Head Girl of both Lower and Upper School. As you read below, they have embraced school life to the full while they have been at Preston Manor School, and we couldn’t be prouder of them. We wish them all the best in their new roles in school. We have no doubt they will excel at everything they do and rise to the challenge.


Lower School Head Students


Daria - Head Girl


Good morning fellow students of our school. My name is Daria, and I am hoping you will vote for me to be the new Headgirl.

Firstly, you might be asking why me? Why just a random girl, who says that she is a promise-keeper? Well, I am a responsible young lady and I will not, in any way, repeat the same mistake other head girls have made, not changing and not doing anything they have promised.

The second reason you should elect me as your head girl, is that I keep the promises I made, and you might be asking what promises? Well, to start off, I will miss my break times and lunch breaks to convince our fellow Deputy Head teacher and Headteacher (Ms. Siddique and Mr. Atkinson) on bringing back football as well as adding equipment and adding more after-school clubs with no age restriction. However, some will have age restrictions due to the safety of the children. You might be asking how I might achieve this goal. Well, to start off, I will organise more sales and the objects I will sell will be of amazing quality.

My third promise is to keep the school a friendly place for students such as you and I to enjoy being here. Everyone knows that we ARE Preston Manor Lower School (PMLS). A standing for Ambition R standing for Responsibility and E standing for Excellence. Our school is one of the kindest in Brent. Why not go the extra mile and be the kindest school in England or in the UK, on the continent or even in the world! So, why not achieve my and Mr Atkinson’s goal of making this the kindest in the world?

So to conclude, vote for me as I will do my job to make the school an even better place!




Tobias - Head Boy


My name is Tobias, and I stand before you today as a candidate for Headboy. It is an honour and a privilege to have the opportunity to speak to you about why I believe I would be the right choice for this important role.           

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to each of you for being a part of this incredible community. Our school is not just a place of learning; it's a second home - a space where friendships are forged, and memories are created. As Head boy, my primary goal would be to ensure that our school continues to be a welcoming and inspiring environment for everyone.

Now, why me? What sets me apart as a candidate for Headboy? For starters, I am very passionate about serving our student body. Over the years, I have participated in various clubs and activities, gaining experience in teamwork, leadership, and communication. Whether it was organising events, or simply listening to the ideas and concerns of my fellow peers, I have learnt the importance of collaboration and student feedback.                                                                                  

As Head boy, I promise to be a voice for all students - one that represents your ideas and concerns. I believe strongly in the power of student feedback. I want to establish regular forums where each and every one of you can share your thoughts. Together, we can tackle the issues that matter most to our school community.

In closing, I am asking for your trust and support. If elected as Head boy, I will work tirelessly to ensure that our voices are heard, our ideas are valued, and our school is a place where everyone feels included and inspired.  


Upper School Head Students 


Manel - Head Girl

Preston Manor has held a special place in my heart since I first walked through its doors in Year 7. Over the years, the school has consistently provided me with opportunities to grow and evolve, serving as a constant source of inspiration. By nurturing both my academic and personal ambitions, it has profoundly shaped me into the young woman I am today.

Thanks to the unwavering support of my teachers, combined with my hard work and dedication, my journey here has been eventful and full of opportunities. Starting with roles such as being a Year 8 Buddy and a member of the School Council, I developed invaluable skills in empathy and collaboration. These early experiences encouraged me to take on more responsibilities, allowing me to grow both personally and academically. Later, as a Year 11 Prefect and eventually the Head Senior Prefect in Year 12, Preston Manor has consistently provided a platform for me to push myself and strive for success.

Certainly, though, the Sixth Form has been where I’ve truly come into my own. Year 12 marked the beginning of a new chapter, unveiling new opportunities I could never have imagined before. For instance, I launched the social campaign ‘TalkAboutPeriods,’ aimed at reducing the stigma surrounding period poverty, as part of the Talent Foundry’s Inspire US competition. With the incredible support of Preston Manor, our group was one of just four, out of 75 nationally, selected to travel to the United States in October 2024 to work directly on the Presidential Election Campaign. Additionally, I ensured my voice along with the voices of my peers was heard in the ‘Make Your Mark’ voting initiative, which represents the largest youth vote in Europe, giving young people a platform to express their opinions on critical issues. Our school achieved the highest number of votes in Brent, with 1,064 students participating. Through this, I was able to amplify the concerns and ideas of the Preston Manor student community, fostering a stronger sense of unity and advocacy.

As I enter my final year at Preston Manor as Head Girl, I take immense pride in my role; I see it as a pivotal moment in my journey. It's not just a title for me, but a commitment to lead by example and inspire others. My goal is to set a high standard for our school and help my peers reach their full potential, encouraging them to embrace every opportunity for growth.

Reflecting on my time here, I’ve learnt that success is defined by mindset and approach rather than position or surroundings. With a clear vision and steadfast confidence, I’m ready to embrace the challenges ahead, always striving to aspire, commit, and excel. My journey has only just begun, and I encourage my fellow students to seize every opportunity, because each experience can be a stepping stone toward our bright futures.

Raymond - Head Boy

Having been a part of Preston Manor School since Reception, I have experienced the school's ongoing support and witnessed the fantastic changes in both the Lower and Upper School. With the encouragement of my teachers, I’ve been able to come out of my shell and evolve into the confident young man I am today.

The pandemic hit during Year 8 and continued through early Year 10, leaving me feeling unmotivated and lost. However, thanks to the unwavering support and guidance from the school, I found my footing after this challenging period and pushed through with maximum effort. Their belief in me nurtured my self-belief, motivating me to work harder than ever. Without their support, I wouldn’t have had the confidence to seize opportunities such as becoming a Senior Prefect, participating in public speaking engagements, and earning a trip to Washington, D.C.

Without a doubt, the Sixth Form has been the highlight of my academic career. With newfound confidence, I embraced all challenges, whether in my subjects or through super-curricular opportunities. A pivotal experience was the Inspire US programme by the Talent Foundry. Participating alongside over 70 schools in small groups, we campaigned for issues that we felt were most relevant to our community. It was nerve-wracking to approach the public for their opinions and speak in front of over 50 people, but with the support of my teachers and my group, I successfully voiced our concerns and earned an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C.

As my final year of Sixth Form begins, I am incredibly grateful and thrilled to serve as Head Boy. This title represents more than just a position; it is a responsibility to cultivate a safe and encouraging environment where my peers can thrive. Ultimately, I aspire to inspire the younger students at Preston Manor and use my experiences to help them strive to be the best versions of themselves.


Deputy Head Students 2024-2025

  • Sanjeevan - Senior Prefect Recruitment & Management Leads
  • Reem - Senior Prefect Recruitment & Management Leads
  • Denisa - Fundraising Activities and Events Coordinators
  • Darshil - Communications & Newsletters Lead
  • Kavya - Communications & Newsletters Lead
  • Jean-Daniel - Fundraising activities and Events Coordinators